

Half Canadian, half Brazilian model and actress(currntly starring in  'Nymphomanic' ) Mia Goth from London.

 ''I tend to buy most of my clothes from charity shops and second hand stores, it’s cheaper and I find really beautiful pieces. I also like to invest in valuable items such as good shoes, bags and coats. I would say my style is a combination of classic items meets casual street wear.'' (i-donline.com)
















What’s your first thought when you look in the mirror? - Ermm probably ‘Who am I?’ I am still very young and learning new things everyday about the world I live in and about myself. I’m interested in psychology and how your surroundings can influence your character and because of that I think I try and take the very best from a situation, good or bad, and constantly work on myself.(i-donline.com)


Mia with Cara Delevinge for Pepe Jeans




HAUNTED LOVE from thecampaignbook on Vimeo.

Mia w/ boyfriend Shia LaBeouf

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