a 1978 film by Pedro Almodóvar

In discussing his visual style, he said, Given that I was educated in the 60s and 70s one of the greatest influences is Pop Art. Some of the first films I saw were in Technicolor, and I've tried to recuperate some of these colors. My films are full of brilliant colors but over time they have darkened.” (

“Melodrama was the first genre I saw as a child, housewives would listen to it on the radio. I also loved musicals. I've been a moviegoer since I was a child, and I started making movies as a projection of my life... I mix genres because during the day I pass through a lot of genres.” (


Mari has been modeling since 2010. Friends who work in the fashion industry kept asking to shoot her, and after moving to NYC she has already been shot by Mario Testino, Ana Kras, Dan McMahon, Andre Herrero, between others.
Thats what she loves doing.(

via (


Your equipment- Olympus XA3, Olympus mju II, Chajka, Nikon F801 (

Artist Amanda Charchian lives and works in Los Angeles                                          

What cameras do you use?
 Mostly 35mm ones and medium format cameras I find in thrift stores, estate sales and flea markets. I love the mystery in each camera’s personality and the unpredictable nature of film. My favorites are a Mamiya C330 for multiple exposures, Canon AE-1, Canon EOS-1, Yashinca T4 and a Contax T2.(

Who or what inspires you?
Mystery, the occult sciences, surrealism, women, and the inextricable relationship between dark and light. But first and foremost light would be my main inspiration. Photography is a light based medium, and I do that pretty incessantly. But when I need a more meditative and slow moving aspect of my practice, I also make crystal sculptures that use sunlight to creates thousands of prismatic light reflections in its circumference.(



Half Canadian, half Brazilian model and actress(currntly starring in  'Nymphomanic' ) Mia Goth from London.

 ''I tend to buy most of my clothes from charity shops and second hand stores, it’s cheaper and I find really beautiful pieces. I also like to invest in valuable items such as good shoes, bags and coats. I would say my style is a combination of classic items meets casual street wear.'' (
















What’s your first thought when you look in the mirror? - Ermm probably ‘Who am I?’ I am still very young and learning new things everyday about the world I live in and about myself. I’m interested in psychology and how your surroundings can influence your character and because of that I think I try and take the very best from a situation, good or bad, and constantly work on myself.(


Mia with Cara Delevinge for Pepe Jeans




HAUNTED LOVE from thecampaignbook on Vimeo.

Mia w/ boyfriend Shia LaBeouf