Twenty-six-year-old Bard graduate Gia Coppola, granddaughter of Francis Ford and niece of Sofia Coppola, got her start in fashion film when she did a short video for her friend Wendy Mullin.        (                                                                                                                                

Writer's Block for DVF from gia coppola on Vimeo

"What's Up?" from gia coppola on Vimeo


British model and New York-based photographer Emily Hope shoots for magazines like Vice Magazine, Nylon, Spin magazine and Rika.

''What inspires you?
Beauty, sadness. Humour.'' 

 ''I wanted to be a rocker when I was really young. I’m influenced alot by looking at sexy boys in the street. I never look at other girls really. I’d love to make my own menswear for girls one day though.'' (

Keira Knightley


''When I was 10, I felt this kind of magic that came from certain sounds. It wasn’t genre-specific. There was certainly stuff I heard on the radio like TLC and that song ‘I Love You Always Forever’ that I’d hear and I’d just get that magic feeling from. That kind of blissed out and ‘cool teenage’ feeling from.''  (

Chairlift, a multi-instrumental three-piece, currently hailing from Brooklyn, New York, play a thoughtful, dream-filled pop music, combining the timelessness of unforgettable melody with spare and sophisticated production, a meta-psychedelic worldview, and a classical avant-garde sensibility resolutely and merrily embracing the future. (

Chairlift - Bruises (live)
      Swedish photographer Lina Scheynius lives in London and shoots for magazines like ZeitMagazin,Dazed&Confused.Scheynius started out by uploading her pictures to Flickr six  years ago when she was working as a 
 model:“I started out by posting pictures of myself and my ex boyfriend and friends on flickr and on this website. I was really just doing it becasue i loved doing it. Some people started to post my work on their blogs, and it started to spread over the internet.”


   'I use my Olympus mju II and my Canon SLR.  I've also   
     worked a lot with a polaroid one camera.'

    'The only thing I don't enjoy is digital photography.'


  you can follow Lina on tumblr here

Sad guy w/ beard

Scott Matthew<3

 Scott Matthew - White Horse


Scott Matthew - The wonder of falling in love (live)

French Love



Blogger Jeanne Damas from Paris,France